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Wonderful Indonesia

The largest archipelago in the world with 17,504 large and small tropical islands fringed with white sandy beaches. Because of its location and geology, Indonesia is blessed with the most diverse landscape, from fertile rice lands on Java and Bali to the luxuriant rainforests of Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi, to the savannah grasslands of the Nusatenggara islands and the snowcapped peaks of West Papua. Indonesia still has many unexplored islands with grand mountain views, green rainforests to trek through, rolling waves to surf to and deep blue pristine seas to dive in.

Beautiful Beaches

Made up of over 17,000 islands, Indonesia is not short of a beautiful beach or two. From the volcanic black sand in the north of Bali, to the white soft sand and turquoise waters of Gili Meno, and the pink beach of Komodo Island, you will be sure to find the perfect spot to enjoy Indonesia’s incredible sunsets.

Ancient Temples

Escape the rush as you explore UNESCO World Heritage listed national parks and temples, including the worlds largest Buddhist Temple, set amongst sprawling paddy fields.

Mystical Mountains

Indonesia’s horizon is vast and mountainous. Dominated by volcanoes, more than any other country in the world, a sunrise trek to the top to enjoy the view is a magical way to start your day.


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